Development of metrics and indices for assessing national progress on climate risk, adaptation and dissonance based on observations, perceptions, and projections.

This paper uses several country-level datasets that include observed, projected, and social perceptions data. Observed data contains measurements about losses and damages, exposure to climate-related hazards, event attribution, governance and climate policies, vulnerability, and historic CO2 emissions. Most of this data was already harmonized and summarized to provide a global overview by country (Scown et al. 2022;Ritchie et al. 2023). Projected data comes from numerical simulations using a large dimensional intertemporal computable general equilibrium trade model to account for the various effects of global warming (Kompas et al. 2018). This dataset contains estimates of GDP losses by country given 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° global warming scenarios. Social perceptions data proceed from an international survey that covered public climate change knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior among Facebook users (Leiserowitz et al. 2022).

To integrate all these datasets in a single table, some data processing was carried out. Field names were renamed to ensure all field names had at most 10 characters so that the integrated dataset was compatible with ESRI shapefile format for further geographical representations. ISO 3-digit code was given for each country for datasets that lacked this code, so that there was a way to merge all datasets. And for the international survey, data was transposed and a numerical score for each question was calculated using a weighted linear combination. The result of this processing was a table containing 103 countries, and 159 numerical fields plus the ISO code and the name of each country.

We provide two geovisualization dashboards, as well as the data itself:

Publication/Source Field name Description Units
(Kompas et al. 2018)/ GTAP-INT Model Framework c1 Long-Run Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on the World GDP (% Change/Year) Scenario 1°C Percentage
c2 Long-Run Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on the World GDP (% Change/Year) Scenario 2°C Percentage
c3 Long-Run Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on the World GDP (% Change/Year) Scenario 3°C Percentage
c4 Long-Run Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on the World GDP (% Change/Year) Scenario 4°C Percentage
(Scown et al. 2022)/Carbon Brief attribution studies  att_stud_n Number of climate change attribution studies that cover each country (or part of that country), from Carbon Briefs April 14, 2020, list of 355 studies. Allocation of studies to regions based on UNSD regions unless otherwise specified. Number of studies
att_pos_n Number of attribution studies that indicate More severe or more likely to occur for each country. Number of studies
att_pos_fr Fraction of attribution studies that indicate More severe or more likely to occur for each country. Fraction of studies
(Scown et al. 2022)/Climate Laws, Institutions, and Measures Index  climi CLIMI; composite index comprised of 12 variables that reflect the political economy determinants of climate change policy. Index (0-1)
(Scown et al. 2022)/EM-DAT events Total number of events per country or territory recorded in the EM-DAT database from 1970 through 2019. Only includes events of the following nature: drought, extreme temperature, flood, storm, wildfire. Number of events
deaths Total deaths reported for above events. Number of deaths
affected Total number of persons affected reported for above events. Million persons affected
damage Total economic damage reported for above events. Billion USD
events.90 As above but for events from 1990 through 2019. Number of events
deaths.90 As above but for events from 1990 through 2019. Number of deaths
affected.90 As above but for events from 1990 through 2019. Million persons affected
damage.90 As above but for events from 1990 through 2019. Billion USD
pcap_aff Average annual number of persons affected per capita reported for events from 1970 through 2019. Fraction of population
pcap_aff_m Maximum annual number of persons affected per capita reported for events from 1970 through 2019. These ratios can be greater than 1 if the total affected by multiple events in a single year is greater than the total population. Fraction of population
pcap_aff90 Average annual number of persons affected per capita reported for events from 1990 through 2019. Fraction of population
pc_aff_m90 Maximum annual number of persons affected per capita reported for events from 1990 through 2019. Fraction of population
pcap_dth Average annual deaths per capita reported for events from 1970 through 2019. Fraction of population
pcap_dth_m Maximum annual deaths per capita reported for events from 1970 through 2019. Fraction of population
pcap_dth90 Average annual deaths per capita reported for events from 1990 through 2019. Fraction of population
pc_dth_m90 Maximum annual deaths per capita reported for events from 1990 through 2019. Fraction of population
pgdp_dam Average annual damages as a fraction of national GDP reported for events from 1970 through 2018. Note 2019 excluded due to GDP data availability.  Fraction of GDP
pgdp_dam_m Maximum annual damages as a fraction of national GDP reported for events from 1970 through 2018. Fraction of GDP
pgdp_dam90 Average annual damages as a fraction of national GDP reported for events from 1990 through 2018. Fraction of GDP
pg_dam_m90 Maximum annual damages as a fraction of national GDP reported for events from 1990 through 2018. Fraction of GDP
(Scown et al. 2022)/UN Data pop2010 UN population estimates for countries and territories for the year 2010. Thousand persons
gdp2010 GDP estimates for countries and territories for the year 2010. UN GDP estimates from table GDP by Type of Expenditure at current prices - US dollars. World Bank data and other sources used to fill gaps. 2010 USD
(Scown et al. 2022)/UNDP Human Development index  hdi HDI for 2017. Index (0-1)
(Scown et al. 2022)/UNEP Global Risk Data Platfom Value Numerical ID for countries and territories used in raster analyses of UNEP GRDP data. Numerical ID
cyc_pop Expected average annual population (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to cyclones within each country. Million persons
drt_pop Expected average annual population (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to droughts within each country. Million persons
fld_pop Expected average annual population (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to floods within each country. Million persons
fire_pop Expected average annual population (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to fire events (within 0.1 arc-degree grid cells) within each country. Million persons
all_pop Expected average annual population (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to all event types (cyclones, droughts, floods, and fires) within each country. Million persons
cyc_gdp Expected average annual GDP (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to cyclones within each country. Billion USD (year 2000 equivalent)
drt_gdp Expected average annual GDP (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to droughts within each country. Billion USD (year 2000 equivalent)
fld_gdp Expected average annual GDP (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to floods within each country. Billion USD (year 2000 equivalent)
fire_gdp Expected average annual GDP (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to fire density within each country. Billion USD (year 2000 equivalent)
all_gdp Expected average annual GDP (2010 as the year of reference) exposed to all event types (cyclones, droughts, floods, and fires) within each country. Billion USD (year 2000 equivalent)
pcap_exp Expected average annual per capita exposure to event types (cyclones, droughts, floods, and fires) within each country or territory. Fraction of population
pgdp_exp Expected average annual GDP exposure to event types (cyclones, droughts, floods, and fires) as a fraction of total GDP within each country or territory. 2010 as the year of reference, converted to USD in year 2000 equivalent as per UNEP exposure data. Fraction of GDP
(Scown et al. 2022)/World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators  wgi_CC The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Control of Corruption Latent variables (low-high)
wgi_GE The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Government Effectiveness Latent variables (low-high)
wgi_PV The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Political Stability and Absence of Violence Latent variables (low-high)
wgi_RQ The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Regulatory Quality Latent variables (low-high)
wgi_RL The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Rule of Law Latent variables (low-high)
wgi_VA The World Bank WGIs for 2017. Voice and Accountability Latent variables (low-high)
(Leiserowitz et al. 2022)/ Facebook survey ca_never Percentage that answered I have never heard of it to the question How much do you know about climate change? Percentage
ca_little Percentage that answered I know a little about it to the question How much do you know about climate change? Percentage
ca_mod Percentage that answered I know a moderate amount about it to the question How much do you know about climate change? Percentage
ca_alot Percentage that answered I know a lot about it to the question How much do you know about climate change? Percentage
ca_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How much do you know about climate change? Percentage
ch_yes Percentage that answered Yes to the question Climate change refers to the idea that the world's average temperature has been increasing over the past 150 years, will increase more in the future, and that the world's climate will change as a result. What do you think: Do you think that climate change is happening? Percentage
ch_no Percentage that answered No to the question Climate change refers to the idea that the world's average temperature has been increasing over the past 150 years, will increase more in the future, and that the world's climate will change as a result. What do you think: Do you think that climate change is happening? Percentage
ch_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question Climate change refers to the idea that the world's average temperature has been increasing over the past 150 years, will increase more in the future, and that the world's climate will change as a result. What do you think: Do you think that climate change is happening? Percentage
ch_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Climate change refers to the idea that the world's average temperature has been increasing over the past 150 years, will increase more in the future, and that the world's climate will change as a result. What do you think: Do you think that climate change is happening? Percentage
cb_byhuman Percentage that answered Caused mostly by human activities to the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cb_bynatur Percentage that answered Caused mostly by natural changes in the environment to the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cb_both Percentage that answered Caused about equally by human activities and natural changes to the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cb_other Percentage that answered Other to the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cb_not_h Percentage that answered None of the above because climate change isn't happening to the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cb_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Assuming climate change is happening, do you think it is… Percentage
cw_vw Percentage that answered Very worried to the question How worried are you about climate change? Percentage
cw_sw Percentage that answered Somewhat worried to the question How worried are you about climate change? Percentage
cw_nvw Percentage that answered Not very worried to the question How worried are you about climate change? Percentage
cw_nw Percentage that answered Not at all worried to the question How worried are you about climate change? Percentage
cw_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How worried are you about climate change? Percentage
hp_gd Percentage that answered A great deal to the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hp_ma Percentage that answered A moderate amount to the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hp_ol Percentage that answered Only a little to the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hp_naa Percentage that answered Not at all to the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hp_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hp_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How much do you think climate change will harm you personally? Percentage
hf_gd Percentage that answered A great deal to the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
hf_ma Percentage that answered A moderate amount to the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
hf_ol Percentage that answered Only a little to the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
hf_naa Percentage that answered Not at all to the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
hf_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
hf_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How much do you think climate change will harm future generations of people? Percentage
t20_vst Percentage that answered Very serious threat to the question Do you think that climate change is a very serious threat, a somewhat serious threat, or not a threat at all to the people in the country (or territory) where you live, over the next 20 years? Percentage
t20_sst Percentage that answered Somewhat serious threat to the question Do you think that climate change is a very serious threat, a somewhat serious threat, or not a threat at all to the people in the country (or territory) where you live, over the next 20 years? Percentage
t20_nat Percentage that answered Not a threat at all to the question Do you think that climate change is a very serious threat, a somewhat serious threat, or not a threat at all to the people in the country (or territory) where you live, over the next 20 years? Percentage
t20_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question Do you think that climate change is a very serious threat, a somewhat serious threat, or not a threat at all to the people in the country (or territory) where you live, over the next 20 years? Percentage
t20_refuse Percentage that refused to answer the question Do you think that climate change is a very serious threat, a somewhat serious threat, or not a threat at all to the people in the country (or territory) where you live, over the next 20 years? Percentage
ci_ei Percentage that answered Extremely important to the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ci_vi Percentage that answered Very important to the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ci_si Percentage that answered Somewhat important to the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ci_nti Percentage that answered Not too important to the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ci_naai Percentage that answered Not at all important to the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ci_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How important is the issue of climate change to you personally? Percentage
ei_imprv Percentage that answered Improve economic growth and provide new jobs to the question Overall, do you think that taking action to reduce climate change will: Percentage
ei_reduc Percentage that answered Reduce economic growth and cost jobs to the question Overall, do you think that taking action to reduce climate change will: Percentage
ei_noeff Percentage that answered Have no effect on economic growth or jobs to the question Overall, do you think that taking action to reduce climate change will: Percentage
ei_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Overall, do you think that taking action to reduce climate change will: Percentage
rn_much_m Percentage that answered Much more to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_swhat_m Percentage that answered Somewhat more to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_as_toda Percentage that answered Same amount as today to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_swhat_l Percentage that answered Somewhat less to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_much_l Percentage that answered Much less to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_d_know Percentage that answered Don't know to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
rn_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of renewable sources of energy, like solar panels and wind turbines, as it does today? Percentage
fs_much_m Percentage that answered Much more to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_swhat_m Percentage that answered Somewhat more to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_as_toda Percentage that answered Same amount as today to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_swhat_l Percentage that answered Somewhat less to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_much_l Percentage that answered Much less to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_d_know Percentage that answered Don't know to the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
fs_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Do you think that in the future the country (or territory) where you live should use more, less, or about the same amount of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, as it does today? Percentage
gp_vh Percentage that answered Very high to the question Do you think climate change should be a very high, high, medium, or low priority for the government of the country (or territory) where you live? Percentage
gp_h Percentage that answered High to the question Do you think climate change should be a very high, high, medium, or low priority for the government of the country (or territory) where you live? Percentage
gp_m Percentage that answered Medium to the question Do you think climate change should be a very high, high, medium, or low priority for the government of the country (or territory) where you live? Percentage
gp_l Percentage that answered Low to the question Do you think climate change should be a very high, high, medium, or low priority for the government of the country (or territory) where you live? Percentage
gp_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Do you think climate change should be a very high, high, medium, or low priority for the government of the country (or territory) where you live? Percentage
cr_yes Percentage that answered "Regardless of what other countries do" to the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change… Percentage
cr_iftop Percentage that answered "Only if the countries that produce the most pollution (such as the United States, China, and India) reduce their pollution" to the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change... Percentage
cr_ifall Percentage that answered "Only if most other countries around the world reduce their pollution" to the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change… Percentage
cr_no Percentage that answered "The country (or territory) where I live should not reduce its pollution" to the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change… Percentage
cr_idk Percentage that answered "Don't know" to the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change… Percentage
cr_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question Do you think that the country (or territory) where you live should reduce its pollution that causes climate change… Percentage
mr_gov Percentage that answered The government to the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
mr_bsnss Percentage that answered Businesses to the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
mr_people Percentage that answered Individual people to the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
mr_no Percentage that answered The country (or territory) where I live should not reduce its pollution to the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
mr_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
mr_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question In the country (or territory) where you live, who do you think is most responsible for reducing the pollution that causes climate change?  Percentage
og_is Percentage that answered I am participating in an effort like this now to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_dwdi Percentage that answered I definitely would do it to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_pwdi Percentage that answered I probably would do it to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_pwndi Percentage that answered I probably would not do it to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_dwndi Percentage that answered I definitely would not do it to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_idk Percentage that answered Note sure to the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
og_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question How willing or unwilling are you to join an organized group working to convince leaders in the country (or territory) where you live to take action to reduce climate change? Percentage
fh_never Percentage that answered Never to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_oay Percentage that answered Once a year or less often to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_stay Percentage that answered Several times a year to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_aloam Percentage that answered At least once a month to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_aloaw Percentage that answered At least once a week to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_idk Percentage that answered Don't know to the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
fh_refused Percentage that refused to answer the question About how often do you hear about climate change in your daily life (for example from TV, newspapers, social media, or conversations with friends and family)? Percentage
(Ritchie et al. 2023)/The Global Carbon Budget hist_co2 Share of cumulative CO2 emitions Percentage
Calculated/(Leiserowitz et al. 2022) ca_score climate_awareness score calculated as ((ca_alot * 4) + (ca_mod * 3) + (ca_little * 2) + (ca_never * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
ch_score climate_happening score calculated as ((ch_yes * 3) + (ch_idk * 2) + (ch_no * 1))/100.0 Index (1-3)
cb_score climate_beliefs score calculated as ((cb_byhuman * 3) + (cb_both * 2) + (cb_bynatur * 1))/100.0 Index (1-3)
cw_score climate_worry score calculated as ((cw_vw * 4) + (cw_sw * 3) + (cw_nvw * 2) + (cw_nw * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
hp_score harm_personally score calculated as ((hp_gd * 4) + (hp_ma * 3) + (hp_ol * 2) + (hp_naa * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
hf_score harm_future_gen score calculated as ((hf_gd * 4) + (hf_ma * 3) + (hf_ol * 2) + (hf_naa * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
t20_score threat_20_years score calculated as ((t20_vst * 3) + (t20_sst * 2) + (t20_nat * 1))/100.0 Index (1-3)
ci_score climate_importance score calculated as ((ci_ei * 5) + (ci_vi * 4) + (ci_si * 3) + (ci_nti * 2) + (ci_naai * 1))/100.0 Index (1-5)
ei_score economic_impact score calculated as ((ei_reduc * 3) + (ei_noeff * 2) + (ei_imprv * 1))/100.0 Index (1-3)
rn_score renewable_more_less score calculated as ((rn_much_m * 5) + (rn_swhat_m * 4) + (rn_as_today * 3) + (rn_swhat_l * 2) + (rn_much_l * 1))/100.0 Index (1-5)
fs_score fossil_more_less score calculated as ((fs_much_m * 5) + (fs_swhat_m * 4) + (fs_as_today * 3) + (fs_swhat_l * 2) + (fs_much_l * 1))/100.0 Index (1-5)
gp_score gov_priority score calculated as ((gp_vh * 4) + (gp_h * 3) + (gp_m * 2) + (gp_l * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
cr_score country_responsibility score calculated as ((cr_yes * 4) + (cr_iftop * 3) + (cr_ifall * 2) + (cr_no * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
mr_score most_responsible score calculated as ((mr_gov * 4) + (mr_bsnss * 3) + (mr_people * 2) + (mr_no * 1))/100.0 Index (1-4)
og_score organized_group score calculated as ((og_is * 5) + (og_dwdi * 4) + (og_pwdi * 3) + (og_pwndi * 2) + (og_dwndi * 1))/100.0 Index (1-5)
fh_score freq_hear score calculated as ((fh_aloaw * 5) + (fh_aloam * 4) + (fh_stay * 3) + (fh_oay * 2) + (fh_never * 1))/100.0 Index (1-5)